Snake River
At long last the Snake River is dropping and clearing and much of it is becoming fishable with at least streamers and nymphs. Flows from Jackson Lake Dam currently stand at 2,800 cfs. Clear water and dry fly fishing can be found from Jackson Lake Dam down to approximately three miles below Pacific Creek. on this
reach there are nice hatches of caddis, small golden stoneflies (Acroneuria), black tricos, PMDs (infrequens) and LOTS of yellow sallies. Small to moderately sized cutthroat are being taken in riffles and along slow seams on Booty's Emerger (size 12), yellow Stimulators (size 10 t0 12), Pheasant Tail Emergers (size 12 to 14), and CDC Caddis (size 14). Bigger cutties an be taken along fast banks and structure on red Rubber Legged Double Humpies (size 8) Will's Red Ant (size 10), and red PMXs (size 8 to 10).
Below the Buffalo Fork of the Snake River, there is less clarity but more than enough to have action on Lightening Bugs (size 12 to 14), Prince Nymphs (size 12), red or olive Copper Johns (size 10 to 16), and pink or Red San Juan Worms. These are being fished most effectively as part of a double nymph rig with a large rubber leg stone nymph or caddis larva pattern. We are also seeing large trout being taken on big articulated streamers fished tight to banks and structure. The most productive have been Booty's Quad Bunny, Galloup's Sex Dungeon, and Silvey's Sculpin, all in light colors like light olive, yellow, and white.
As flows continue to drop and clarity increases over the next month, expect more large cutthroat to make their way down from the tributaries and into the main river.
South Fork
Flows from Palisades Reservoir have dropped to 13,500cfs. Clarity remains an issue, but fishing is picking up on most sections, particularly the lower reach below Heise Bridge and the upper reach in Swan Valley. Double nymph rigs are working very well in riffles, fast current lines, and especially along banks. Hatches have not been strong, but as flows drop, aquatic larva are retreating from banks and shallow bars parts of the riverbed with more water and current. Hence the action we are now getting on Pat's Rubber Leg Stone (size 10 to 4), Q's Yellow Sally Nymph (size 10 to 12), Cyclops Lightening Bugs (size 10 to 12), red, olive, and black Copper Johns (size 12 to 14), and Zug Bugs and Prince Nymphs (size 12 to 16).
We are also seeing big trout being taken on a variety of medium and large sized streamers (size 2 to 8) fished close to banks, through riffle pools and along structure. Brown over tan Clouser Minnows, Doll Hair Thunder Minnows, black or brown Bow River Buggers, and Butt Monkeys have been particularly effective.
Lastly, we are beginning to see signs of increased dry fly activity in riffles and shallow seams in the lower Canyon and in the lower reach of the river below Heise Bridge. This is generally happening later in the day (after 2pm) and when there are signs of at least moderate emergences of PMDs and caddis. As flow levels drop and clarity increases, dry fly action should pick up in a very big way.
Green River
Flows on the Green River continue to drop and as they do, action is picking up on streamers and nymphs above Warren Bridge and on the lower reach from Daniel down to Sommers. Flashback Pheasant Tails (size 10), 20-Inchers (size 10 to 12), Robins (size 12 to 14), and chartruese, black, and rust Copper Johns (size 10 to 14) have been the best producing nymph patterns. San Juan Worms in pink, rust, and red have also been effective. Dry fly fishing is starting come around in a more consistent fashion, especially above Daniel Bridge. Large attractors - Circus Peanuts, Will's Winged Chernobyl, Rainy's Foam Hopper, and Double Humpies - as well as large gray drake imitations (Booty's Snake Drake Emerger, Parachute Hare's Ear) have been solid producers thus far. Thee flies are working best along weedy cutbanks and structure, as well as slow recirculating eddies and seams.
The most productive streamers have been Clouser Minnows (olive over white, rust over white, and chartruese over white), Beldar Buggers (olive or black), and Bow River Buggers (gray, black, or olive). These are working best fished tight to best when fished tight to banks and structure and retrieved with a moderate to fast strip.