Monday, July 18, 2011

Fly Fishing Report for July 21st, 2011 by Boots Allen

Snake River
At long last we are seeing a significant drop in the runoff and with it has come a drop in flows from Jackson Lake Dam. The typical July emergence of aquatic insects - small golden stones, caddis, gray drakes, PMDs, and yellow sallies - are occurring throughout the watershed, but it is the upper reach of the river from Jackson Lake Dam down to approximately three miles below the confluence with the Buffalo Fork that fishing has been best, and this includes dry fly fishing. cutthroat and brown trout are being taken on yellow Stimulators (size 10 to 12), Sallie Emergers (size 10 to 12), Parachute Adams (size 14 to 16), and olive or black X-Caddis (size 12), as well as larger stonefly and attractor patterns like Snake River Water Walkers (size 10), and Will's Winged Chernobyls (size 10). Below the surface, Lightening Bugs (size 10 to 14), Flashback Pheasant Tails (size 12 to 14), and Prince Nymphs (size 12 to 16) as part of a dropper rig or double nymph rig.

South Fork
Flows out of Palisades Reservoir were cut significantly over the past week but have since went back up to 23,600 cfs. Fishing is tough, but trout can be taken on double nymph rigs consisting on a stonefly nymph (size 4 to 8) and San Juan Worms. Slower water at the tails of riffles and seams, as well as recirculating eddies are the key pieces of water to target. Once flows begin to drop again, the South Fork will most likely experience some of the best fishing in years.

Green River
The Green is still well above normal (2,300 cfs at Warren Bridge) but fishing surprisingly well. A very broad hatch is occurring along the river, consisting of small golden stones, infrequen PMDs, green drakes, gray drakes, caddis, and yellow sallies. Slower back waters are producing with San Juan Worms in tan or pink, but so too are faster banks with San Juan Worms as well as Zug Bugs (size 10 to 12) and Lightening Bugs (size 12 to 14). We are even experiencing dry fly action now along slower banks and in the slower water down stream of structure with Quigley Cripples (size 12), Booty's Drake Emergers (size 10 to 12), and Parachute Extended Body PMDs (size 12 to 14). The upper river is fishing best from the Forest Service Boundary, down through the BLM Campgrounds, past Warren Bridge, and down to Daniel Bridge. Expect the rest of the river to pick up with action as flows drop below 1,500 cfs.

New Fork
The New Fork is flowing at almost three times of normal but the fishing has been very strong on large attractors, large streamers (especially Zoo Cougars, Butt Monkeys, and Quad Bunnies), and big nymphs. Town to Boulder has been one of the best stretches. It will be interesting to see how well that New Fork fishes when flows drop to normal.

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