Sunday, April 29, 2012

Snake River Angler Fly Fishing Report for April 30th, 2012 by Boots Allen

Snake River
The Snake is currently in full runoff mode.  With this years light snowpack and the forecast for a dry spring, we expect this year's muddy water to be relatively short by Snake River standards. The Bureau of Reclamation is increasing flows out of Jackson Lake Dam.  Currently they stand at 750 cfs.  As they go up with the runoff and the diminishing capacity of the the reservoir, we should see these flows go up fast in the coming weeks.  This should open up the tailwater section of the Snake from the Dam down to Pacific Creek to some really good fishing while the rest of the river is still off color.  Stay tuned for future developments.
South Fork
Flows from the Palisades Reservoir have increase steadily over the past week by about 1,000 cfs every day or other day.  Releases currently stand at 10,000 cfs.  This has negated the surface action we were getting into last week but subsurface action is steady.  The upper reach in Swan Valley is crystal clear and fishing well with egg and shrimp patterns (silver, white, or gold and size 14 to 18) on long leaders - 10 to 12 ft - and added split shot.
Downstream of the dam in the vicinity of Husky boat launch, these same patterns will produce but a better bet is to go with a standard stonefly nymph and San Juan Worm in red or pink.  These flies will produce on downstream until Rainey Creek.  Fish these nymph rigs on deep seams, through riffles, and along banks for the best results.

Streamers are producing on both the upper river in Swan Valley and the Canyon reach, the latter of which is slightly off color from runoff produced by Palisades, Rainey, and Pine creeks.  Baitfish imitations like Silvey Sculpins (black, gray, and green), Butt Monkeys (rust or olive), Booty's Quad Bunny (black, white or olive), Stacked Blondes, J.J. Specials, Clouser Minnows, and Kiwi Muddlers (black, olive, white, or rust) are producing on banks, submerged structure, and the tailouts of seams.  We are fishing these on intermediate and Type III sink tips.

Green River
The Green River has come up significantly over the past week and is noticeably more off-color.  We are still catching trout on nymphs and streamers.  Double Nymph Rigs composed of Pat's Rubber Legs (size 8 to 10) or RP Muskrats (size 8 to 10) with San Juan Worm, Lightening Bugs (size 10 to 14), Prince Nymphs (size 12 to 16), and red, olive, or black Copper Johns (size 12 to 16) as trailers are producing along submerged structure, banks, and riffles.  Streamers like Bow River Buggers (black, olive, or rust), SRA Bunnies (olive, black, or gray), Quad Bunnies (black or olive) and Zoo Cougars (olive or black) are also producing in the same water.

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